by Brian G. Daigle Creativity is a fundamental impulse, a deep and residing reflex of our humanity. We were made to create. We are, as much as we are homo sapien (thinking man), also homo faber (making man). That creativity bears out in big ways and in small ways, in ways that create something over several years or just a few seconds. It bears out in how we organize both time and space, how we not just use sticks and stones to build cathedrals and homes but also gestures and gaits to build romance and soulmates. We create as much with material things as we do with immaterial things. And our daily lives are both the soil and the fruit of our creativity. But as with anything else in the human condition, creativity can be stifled. It can erode or be diminished or dwindle in both individuals and groups of individuals. It can be directed to vicious ends. There are, therefore, twelve great creativity killers we should avoid: