by Brian G. Daigle A dear mentor once told me of a lecture he gave to a typical undergraduate audience at a large state university. His lecture was on the existence of God, the basic Judeo-Christian assertion that there is one, true God, and that this God has truly (even if not fully) revealed himself to us, and that if we would want to live good and happy lives, we must ultimately know, love, and worship that God above all things. When his lecture was over, a young man raised his hand in the front, stood up amidst the assembly of his peers, and began to give a variety of self-reports about his own disbelief in such a God, or any deity whatsoever. This young man, like many such young men and women entangled in our present-day college and university systems, was a proudly devout atheist; he had no qualms sharing this peculiar creed with the speaker and room full of his fellow university students.