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The Australian Educational Renaissance Series
Author Contribution Form
(if you have any questions, please email us at
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Biographical Information (please be sure to include your current position, any relevant previous work, books or work published, and your academic credentials)
Book One choice(s)
Which chapter(s) in Book One are you interested in contributing? "Book 1: Our Present Education: The State of Education in Modern Australia"
A Brief History of Australian Education (What are the major movements and time periods in the history of Australian education?)
Funding Bad Ideas (How much money is being spent on Australian education today? What is the role of thinking funding will fix a broken education system? What bad ideas are being funded?)
The State of our Current Curriculum (Who is creating our curriculum in Australian schools today? What are the trends? How good and robust and beneficial is it?)
Challenges in present-day Australian schools (the challenges our Australian schools are facing today and why)
Teacher Training in Australian Universities
Creating Flourishing Learners and Flourishing Human Beings
Parent dissatisfaction (How parents are responding to education in Australia today)
Alternative methods of schooling available in Australia (What movements are afoot in education in Australia today? Homeschool patterns? Christian education? Etc.?)
Prisoners of Pragmatism (why education in Australia has become a prisoner of pragmatic thought and why this is not the right direction for our children)
Current academic outcomes in Australian education (what the current standards of education are producing throughout Australian education)
Deadly Themes in Australian Education (ideas being promoted which are bad for a healthy future commonwealth)
Other (Potential authors can suggest other chapter titles as well for submission, even republishing a previous aca)demic paper or essay.
If "other," please explain:
Book Two choice(s)
Which chapter(s) in Book Two are you interested in contributing? "Book 2: Our Great Tradition: The Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of Classical Education"
The Classical Curriculum (What subjects, ideas, classes, or coursework is taught in a classical curriculum?)
Classical Pedagogy (How are classical teaching methods different than modern teaching methods? What are those classical teaching methods?)
The Ancient Triad (Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in how children are properly formed)
Myths and misconceptions about Classical Education
Recent research about Classical Education.
The Case for Latin (why our children should study Latin)
Forming Virtues (why education is virtue formation as much as it is academic formation)
The Seven Liberal Arts (What are the seven liberal arts and why do they matter?)
The role of science and mathematics (What is the place of science and math in the classical tradition?)
The role of literature and poetry (What is the place of literature and poetry in the classical tradition?)
Art is No Elective (Why art is essential for human flourishing and foundational to classical education)
The Great Conversation (what do we mean by “The Great Conversation” and why does it matter our children are a part of it?)
Other (Potential authors can suggest other chapter titles as well for submission, even republishing a previous aca)demic paper or essay.
If "other," please explain:
Do you have any other advice or thoughts pertaining to this project?
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