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Tradition, Truth, and Treason: G.K. Chesterton on Education, A Complete Anthology
Description. Here is an immensely important topic, education, spoken about by an immensely important man, G.K. Chesterton. As the first of its kind, this complete anthology of what G.K. Chesterton had to say about education provides the reader, educator or Chestertonian alike, with as many good ideas as they will ever need to both understand today's broken educational landscape and work in a new direction to fix it. With the addition of original essays by some of today's foremost Chesterton scholars and educators, this anthology is a must-have for anyone who loves G.K. Chesterton and anyone who wants to get education right. From the appendix "A Chestertonian Education" "For Chesterton, a philosophy of education was something of a practice in redundancy. So is a term like good education or classical education or personal education or contemporary education or religious education. For Chesterton, education was not something confined to an academic institution, a specialist, or even a certain time of the day or week. In fact, Chesterton often expressed that it was the educated classes which understood education the least, because it was the educated classes which had the worst understanding of things like children, parents, tradition, reason, nursery rhymes, religion, humor, original sin, and especially common sense. It is not the uneducated that must be educated, Chesterton expressed; it is the educated that must be uneducated. For Chesterton, a great education was something found in the most common life and found in all of life, and the most important and common things in life were what truly educated a man. There are at least five great truths about education we ought to learn from Chesterton..." |